Donation Drive for Christmas Eve Workers
Give to those who are working on Christmas Eve! Donate to bins in narthex in front of sanctuary. Email Pam Hawley for more information.
Christmas Parade and Ignite Youth Booth- SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9th/10th
Join Burnet Methodist in Christmas on the Square– sing along with the Caroling Arise Band and visit the Ignite Youth booth! SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2022 AT 12 PM…
Christmas on the Square: December 9
Burnet Methodist Church in Christmas on the SquareDecember 9, 2023 12:00 noon Caroling Band and Nativity Scene in the Christmas Parade- contact Jason Birdwell to be involved 6:20-7:00…
Operation Christmas Child
Pack a Shoebox:Make an impact in Children’s Lives Operation Christmas Child delivers great joy and the Good News of Jesus Christ to children in need around the world through…
Christmas Eve Services: 8:30am, 11:00am, 4:00 pm
You and your family are invited to join us for classic and modern carols, a timely message, and a children’s spotlight. Christmas Eve services will be held on…
Handbell Choir
Jubilee Ringers Introductory Rehearsal Monday, Sept. 11, 6:00 p.m.Room 106 Are you high school or adult age? Are you interested in learning to ring in a handbell choir, for…